EXAMPLE / 6X10 with 6.5’ int ht, Enclosed Trailer with Ramp CGR-610SA

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Enclosed Trailer with Ramp 6X10 Single Axle
6 foot 6 inch Interior Height
6 foot clearance at back door
No brakes 2,990 GVWR
Ramp Door with Flap
32” Wide Side Door with Cam Bar Latch
16” On Center Floor and Walls
Exterior is Screwless .030 Gray Exterior Siding ( not thin .024 )
Curb Weight 1,270 lbs.
Payload Rated 1,720 lbs.


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Brand: Haul-About
Length (feet): 10
Width (feet): 6
Weight GVWR (lbs): 2987
Payload Capability (lbs): 1720
Weight Empty (lbs): 1270
Number of Axles: 1
Axles Type: Leaf Spring Straight Double Eye
Inventory Number:

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